Thursday, January 28, 2010

Spices and how to use them!


Top: Saigon cinnamon bark

Right: Garam masala - Red Thai curry

Left : Saffron - Capers

Center: Turmeric root powder

The definition of spices: spices are: seeds, bark, flower buds, stems, roots of culinary plants - verse herbs are: the leaf and flower part of the plants. A close example is: Cilantro is the leaf and coriander is the seed of the Cilantro plant as we know it. But off course sometime, too often may I say, they get interchange and it becomes confusing!
At this time of the year I really rely on them for 2 reasons: first they are very aromatic and second very colorful. I imagine myself as an artist with many color to choose from and excited about the combinations I can work with. Whenever I am cooking with spices I discover endless possibilities and experience the freedom to experiment. It is one of the reason we like so many of the Asian, Middle Eastern flavors. As far as what to use with what, it is really a wide open field!
The first rule is they should be ground as close as possible to the moment you ill be using them, especially cinnamon, nutmeg and pepper(s).

- A combination of spices is always best, just using one can be overwhelming.Some example of familiar mix spices are: curry, garam masala. Combining different spices allows you to create assorted aromatic flavors.
This is how I cook with spices and teach how to use them in my cooking classes:
I eat with my nose as I catch the aroma and create, then smell with my brain!!!!!
Bon Appetit

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